Previous landing pages for K-12 and higher-ed audience were too technical and didn’t fit the needs of users. Unlike Extron’s typical users, educational users were end users. They were principals who made decisions on AV investments, teachers who used AV products, and IT professionals who implemented the AV systems. The pages required a makeover to provide more useful content and increase conversion rates.


This project showcases my skills to redesign landing pages that are useful and helpful to target users. The UI is crafted to help users discover content and digest information easily so that they become more interested in Extron’s products.


Previous landing pages were product driven which didn’t assist educational users in understanding how Extron could help them with their institutions and why Extron was great at improving students learnability. Complete redesign was necessary to accomplish the goals of this landing page.


Interview stakeholders

I interviewed stakeholders to gain an understanding of problems to solve and acquired requirements for the project.


  • The content didn't fit the target audience needs.
  • The pages weren’t viewed as much as they had liked.
  • The users didn’t care so much about technical products that they didn’t understand.
  • The pages didn’t educate users on how to help their students learn better and improve school AV systems.
  • The pages didn’t communicate what other institutions were saying about Extron’s products and why they were chosing Extron.


  • Consolidate K-12 and higher-ed landing pages into one.
  • Provide customer testimonials, user stories, and videos.
  • Create compelling UI that supports content discovery and entice more users.
  • Offer content by different learning spaces and solution base instead of products. (This requirement was defined later in the project.)

Sketch wireframes and create mockups

With consideration to stakeholder’s concerns and requirements, I sketched out a series of wireframes and explored with layout, features, and UI. Then, I transformted them into high-fidelity mockups which were improved based on the stakeholder’s feedback.

Wireframes of Explore layout for a desktop and mobile.


Initially, stakeholders envisioned the educator landing page to be a place to get user’s voice. Explore was a UI idea that displayed testimonials, user stories, and videos in a card format so that users could browse those cards easily and learn more details by clicking the cards. However, the layout didn’t work on a mobile view since the page became very long when the cards were stacked on top of one another on mobile, making users scroll a lot to view all the content.

Preliminary wireframes and mockups for Training

Type of Users

The next UI idea was to divide the content by user type–administrators, educators, technologists. Each section contained testimonials, user stories, and videos that were appropriate to each user type. A sub navigation provided above the overview section auto-scrolled the page and took users to the corresponding section when clicked. The idea seemed to have a good intention but stakeholders didn’t like the idea that users had to choose the user type, which might have confused them.

Preliminary wireframes and mockups for Training

Spaces and Solutions

After several trial and error, the Spaces and Solutions idea was generated. At the top of the page, I displayed various learning spaces (such as Classroom) and solutions (such as Voice Amplification and Audio) in a card format. When the cards were clicked, I made the page auto-scrolled to reveal the corresponding section below the card section. UI was intuitive and content flew naturally. However, the problem with this idea was that the page became very long.


After exploring several ideas, the Spaces and Solutions idea with the little twist became the final design solution. Organizing content by learning spaces and solutions remained intact. All of the content from the Spaces and Solutions idea also moved forward to the final design. The difference we made was that the content was placed in a overlay window instead of the card section below, shortening the page length and eliminating the page scroll. When the sub navigation links were clicked, overlay window appeared and revealed the corresponding content instead of auto-scrolling.

Preliminary wireframes and mockups for Training


Key features:

  • Cards were provided to display various learning spaces and AV solutions.
  • Corresponding content for leaning spaces and AV solutions were eliminated from the main landing page and placed in a overlay window.
  • A sub navigation revealed content in a overlay window.
  • A dropdown menu on a overlay window provided direct access to other content under the same section–Learning Spaces, AV Solutions.
Preliminary wireframes and mockups for Training


Key features:

  • The cards became a horizontal view, providing adequate space for both an environmental shot and the corresponding title.
  • The left and right buttons to scroll through content on the Testimonials, Stories, and Videos panels were placed under the content instead of left and right side of the content.
  • Associated products can be scrolled through by swiping left and right.